Monday, September 21, 2015


So I've been working on this project for a while. And, its been done for a while, but I'm a little slow per usual. I'm married to MountainMan, right? So I have to have outdoorsy, mountainy things in my house, right? Right. Entre, my new end tables! We were driving through the woods on a beautiful Sunday afternoon when I spotted them. There was a part in the trees and the light shown through illuminating them as if it were a sign from above that those stumps were destined to be mine. Ok, the whole fancy light description thing didn't really happen, but it sounded fun. Anyway, I made MountainMan pick up the not-so-light stumps and throw them into the truck to take down the mountain with us. I had to call in help from my trusty father-in-law, but only because I didn't have an electric hand sander and he did. If I had do all sanding by hand it would have probably been 2031 before this post would go up. All in all it was a super easy and super fun project. And I love that I have somewhere to set my glass of wine at then end of the day. Did I ever mention that MountainMan got me 9 bottles of wine for 9 months of pregnancy?! He's a keeper. I digress. Here are some photos of my project! 

 Step 1: Find an awesome stump in the woods and make your husband take it home with you. 

Step 2: Remove bark. This part takes patience, and the right tools. 

Step 3: Call your father-in-law and tell him you will bake him cookies if he will use his nifty little sander to smooth this out for you. (Cookies ALWAYS help projects go faster.)

Step 4: Seal with a base coat. Polyurethanes typically work well.  

Step 5: Stain to the color of your choosing and after stain has dried appropriately seal with a top coat. Emphasis on the word seal. This is to help prevent sap from leaking out of the log later. MountainMan had left over seal for his wooden oars so I just used that. Also, I cut out a circle of thin carpet and nailed it to the bottom as an extra barrier against sap or anything else. (Not pictured.) 

Step 6: Drink wine, and set it on your awesome new end table. 

Step 7: Return MountainMan's stuff to the coffee table since the photo shoot is now over. 

I love this new addition to out living room! I might be into making furniture now. One problem, I am seriously lacking in the tool and shop department. We're working on it. 

Happy almost Tuesday! 


Tuesday, September 8, 2015

3 Months & Counting

How in the world is she 3 months already?! I just got pregnant yesterday. I know. It doesn't slow down. This is why I have to have another. And another. MountainMan laughs at me because my own baby gives me baby fever. Truth. I'm weird, I know. 

Wavelry, you are just perfect. You are staring to talk to us lots and lots. We discussed the possibility of you Muttin' Bustin' at the county fair when you are older and you LOVED that idea. Who wouldn't want to hang onto a sheep for dear life until falling off? You'll get a trophy and it'll be totally worth it. You are super at sleeping, and girl, KEEP IT UP! You have this adorable, bashful face that I just can't get enough up. Stop growing up so fast. I'm not ready for it. Ok, I am. But slow down a little. 
