Wednesday, July 29, 2015

One Month Old {almost one month ago}

She's One Month Old! 

I know, I know. I should have no excuse. This is my first baby so I'm supposed to have all the time in the world. Its the second baby when you throw the towel in and give up on being super on top of all the things fabulous moms do. I'm not even two months in and I'm already behind on good record keeping. I'm a little preoccupied with just soaking her in. I have high aspirations of getting it together here pretty soon. So lets start with Waverly's one month old photo even if her two month old photo will be going up here soon.  :)

Friday, July 10, 2015

Deer and Donuts

The ideas for ways to induce labor seem to be endless. And they all claim to work. Some of them seem worth a try, too. I mean who doesn't want to eat a whole pineapple? That one in particular seemed pretty harmless to me. I ate a lot of pineapple by the time I was 40 weeks pregnant...and still pregnant. I walked and walked and walked some more. I forced my husband to come to a massage therapist's house to try and rub the baby out of me. I bounced on a ball. I went for bumpy car rides. Nothing did the trick. Want to know the secret to inducing labor? Deer and donuts. That's right folks. All you have to do it eat deer for dinner and donuts for dessert. Sounds delightful, right? It was delightful, and apparently that is just what the baby wanted to have before entering the world. 

Whatever it was that made her come we are so happy out little Waverly is finally here. And can't believe she is already one month old!