I like to bake. And the good thing, maybe the only good thing, about having a little extra time on your hands is extra time to bake. With all this extra time I probably could have done something a little more ambitious and complicated, but lets be honest, I just really wanted some good 'ol fashioned chocolate chip cookies. Its not like it was a craving or anything. Ok, maybe it was. Just a little. Anyway, I know chocolate chip cookies aren't anything fancy but they are still pretty awesome if you ask me. Annnnd in case you are wondering I happen to be the blue ribbon winner of chocolate chip cookies at the Twin Falls County Fair for three years in a row. (Applause!! "Thank you! Thank you!") It may have been in 1996, but hey, that's when I learned my awesome skills. The recipe I used today is no secret and I must confess it isn't the famous blue ribbon recipe. Its better! Thanks Martha Stewart. *Recipe below.
Just a little preview to get you hooked.
The goods: butter and sugar
A little flava-flave. AKA vanilla
Mix it good!
Mmmm look at that!
I added some chopped walnuts for good measure, and because MountainMan loves them and I'm nuts about him. ;)
Like my awesome kitchen towel? Me too.
Ah. Pure perfection.
This is my newest life motto.