Friday, February 14, 2014

I Adore You More

Valentines Day. Such a sappy day. A bunch of commercialized crap. Ok, I'm done being cynical. While I do think Valentines Day is quite commercialized I don't mind having a day dedicated to loving the one you love. And I sure do love, MountainMan. 

We are not the super romanic type to begin with so this Valentines Day we are spending it with dear friends. Homemade pizza...yes, I used Pioneer Woman's recipe...why would I not?...and games and gun shows and who knows what else. I'd say it fits us just perfectly. 

"You have stolen my heart..." Song of Solomon 4:9

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Love these kids...

I got to spend last weekend with two of my favorite kids in the whole entire world. Seriously. I started babysitting them when I was only 13 and couldn't even drive to their house. Now they are creeping up on that age and I don't want to talk about it. MountainMan came down and hung out with us for a few days, too. So really it was just 4 kids causin' trouble. ;) 

Look at that stud...

I love every one of them more and more. 

Give it all ya got! 

We wanted to kidnap them and take them home with us. Maybe next time... :)